Providing safety and security support across the U.S. refugee resettlement agency and affiliate community

The U.S. Refugee Resettlement Safety & Security Focal Point (RA SSFP) Forum's goal is to ensure that resettlement agencies and respective affiliates have strengthened safety and security risk management capacity to support delivery of programs.
The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) funds programs that support more than 80,000 refugees a year. The U.S. Resettlement Agency Safety and Security Focal Point (RA SSFP) Forum started in February 2022. It is a coalition of ten resettlement agencies funded by PRM. The Forum is the mechanism that provides safety and security support across the Resettlement Agency and affiliate community.

The Forum:
Shares resources that include templates, tips, and tools to support safety and security planning and training
Tracks general safety and security trends and recommends associated mitigation measures
Provides guidance on affiliate ad hoc safety and security concerns
Conducts forum seminars and panels on relevant safety and security topics including Active Shooter, Trauma Informed De-escalation, Situational Awareness, Offsite Security, Physical Security, Setting Expectations for Service Delivery, and Boundary Setting During Service Delivery.

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